
25 Oct 2021

It’s been an adventure the past couple of months. We’ve been focused on getting ourselves situated since we left the East Coast on June first that I haven’t made cultivating our family’s heart garden with God a priority. (More blog posts to come on our travels in the near future).

As I read the forward in the Moments with Jesus book for kids, I was reminded of how cultivating a culture of intimacy with Jesus is intentional. As I skimmed through the book in the bookstore, I thought of how I haven’t been as intentional as I could be with the children these past few months.

And when I say I haven’t been intentional, I mean that I haven’t been preparing in advance and praying over what I feel Holy Spirit leading me to do with the kids and finding pockets of time throughout the day to do it. There’s always nudges of love I feel from God to share or teach nuggets of Truth throughout the day (if my mommy brain isn’t busy focused on doing) but in my heart, it doesn’t feel intentional as when I prep in advance and my heart is focused on Him. When I don’t sit at His feet myself and take time to prepare for the days ahead on what I feel to teach, I find myself being more focused on what needs to get done (laundry, cleaning, preparing food, feedings, etc.) than prioritizing discipleship with my children. I definitely have the inclination to become Martha and not Mary (reference taken from the book of Luke in the Bible chapter 10 verses 38: - 42). This includes just playing and being with my children and connecting with them on a heart level through play.

But here’s what we have done well these past few months. We’ve been inviting Him into our everyday moments and walking with Him in a different way than we have before. It’s looked like inviting my 5 year old into my devotional time (if and when our one year old falls asleep before him and not at the same time), reading the Word together, drawing together what we receive from Him, and chatting together about God’s goodness. It’s praying out loud in the car with both children, worshipping throughout the day together and celebrating God’s greatness and faithfulness.

I’m sharing this because so often we focus on what we’re not doing rather than what we are doing well. There’s always areas we all want to improve but it’s also important to celebrate the small victories too!

So here’s to a new start. It doesn’t matter that it’s near the end of October or what it’s looked like the past few months. It’s an opportunity to start fresh and get back to basics. Join me as I share our family moments with Jesus to inspire you to make space for God in yours.

I want to share our why:

As someone who came to know Jesus later in life, I never assume that someone knows what reference I am making. You’ll occasionally see me reference and then place links to the Bible story it’s from. If you’re someone who is new to reading the Bible and need help understanding the reference I’m making, always feel free to reach out.

I am a first generation Christian in my family so I was always trying to learn ways to disciple and raise my children in God’s Word. I wasn’t sure where to look and how to find resources so I’m choosing to be vulnerable to share our family’s life to inspire you. Each family is different, each child is different, each unique and beautiful. If what we share doesn’t work for you, that’s OK! We hope it helps open up your worldview and get some of your own creative juices going to create or find what works for yours.


25 Oct 2021

It’s been an adventure the past couple of months. We’ve been focused on getting ourselves situated since we left the East Coast on June first that I haven’t made cultivating our family’s heart garden with God a priority. (More blog posts to come on our travels in the near future).

As I read the forward in the Moments with Jesus book for kids, I was reminded of how cultivating a culture of intimacy with Jesus is intentional. As I skimmed through the book in the bookstore, I thought of how I haven’t been as intentional as I could be with the children these past few months.

And when I say I haven’t been intentional, I mean that I haven’t been preparing in advance and praying over what I feel Holy Spirit leading me to do with the kids and finding pockets of time throughout the day to do it. There’s always nudges of love I feel from God to share or teach nuggets of Truth throughout the day (if my mommy brain isn’t busy focused on doing) but in my heart, it doesn’t feel intentional as when I prep in advance and my heart is focused on Him. When I don’t sit at His feet myself and take time to prepare for the days ahead on what I feel to teach, I find myself being more focused on what needs to get done (laundry, cleaning, preparing food, feedings, etc.) than prioritizing discipleship with my children. I definitely have the inclination to become Martha and not Mary (reference taken from the book of Luke in the Bible chapter 10 verses 38: - 42). This includes just playing and being with my children and connecting with them on a heart level through play.

But here’s what we have done well these past few months. We’ve been inviting Him into our everyday moments and walking with Him in a different way than we have before. It’s looked like inviting my 5 year old into my devotional time (if and when our one year old falls asleep before him and not at the same time), reading the Word together, drawing together what we receive from Him, and chatting together about God’s goodness. It’s praying out loud in the car with both children, worshipping throughout the day together and celebrating God’s greatness and faithfulness.

I’m sharing this because so often we focus on what we’re not doing rather than what we are doing well. There’s always areas we all want to improve but it’s also important to celebrate the small victories too!

So here’s to a new start. It doesn’t matter that it’s near the end of October or what it’s looked like the past few months. It’s an opportunity to start fresh and get back to basics. Join me as I share our family moments with Jesus to inspire you to make space for God in yours.

I want to share our why:

As someone who came to know Jesus later in life, I never assume that someone knows what reference I am making. You’ll occasionally see me reference and then place links to the Bible story it’s from. If you’re someone who is new to reading the Bible and need help understanding the reference I’m making, always feel free to reach out.

I am a first generation Christian in my family so I was always trying to learn ways to disciple and raise my children in God’s Word. I wasn’t sure where to look and how to find resources so I’m choosing to be vulnerable to share our family’s life to inspire you. Each family is different, each child is different, each unique and beautiful. If what we share doesn’t work for you, that’s OK! We hope it helps open up your worldview and get some of your own creative juices going to create or find what works for yours.


25 Oct 2021

It’s been an adventure the past couple of months. We’ve been focused on getting ourselves situated since we left the East Coast on June first that I haven’t made cultivating our family’s heart garden with God a priority. (More blog posts to come on our travels in the near future).

As I read the forward in the Moments with Jesus book for kids, I was reminded of how cultivating a culture of intimacy with Jesus is intentional. As I skimmed through the book in the bookstore, I thought of how I haven’t been as intentional as I could be with the children these past few months.

And when I say I haven’t been intentional, I mean that I haven’t been preparing in advance and praying over what I feel Holy Spirit leading me to do with the kids and finding pockets of time throughout the day to do it. There’s always nudges of love I feel from God to share or teach nuggets of Truth throughout the day (if my mommy brain isn’t busy focused on doing) but in my heart, it doesn’t feel intentional as when I prep in advance and my heart is focused on Him. When I don’t sit at His feet myself and take time to prepare for the days ahead on what I feel to teach, I find myself being more focused on what needs to get done (laundry, cleaning, preparing food, feedings, etc.) than prioritizing discipleship with my children. I definitely have the inclination to become Martha and not Mary (reference taken from the book of Luke in the Bible chapter 10 verses 38: - 42). This includes just playing and being with my children and connecting with them on a heart level through play.

But here’s what we have done well these past few months. We’ve been inviting Him into our everyday moments and walking with Him in a different way than we have before. It’s looked like inviting my 5 year old into my devotional time (if and when our one year old falls asleep before him and not at the same time), reading the Word together, drawing together what we receive from Him, and chatting together about God’s goodness. It’s praying out loud in the car with both children, worshipping throughout the day together and celebrating God’s greatness and faithfulness.

I’m sharing this because so often we focus on what we’re not doing rather than what we are doing well. There’s always areas we all want to improve but it’s also important to celebrate the small victories too!

So here’s to a new start. It doesn’t matter that it’s near the end of October or what it’s looked like the past few months. It’s an opportunity to start fresh and get back to basics. Join me as I share our family moments with Jesus to inspire you to make space for God in yours.

I want to share our why:

As someone who came to know Jesus later in life, I never assume that someone knows what reference I am making. You’ll occasionally see me reference and then place links to the Bible story it’s from. If you’re someone who is new to reading the Bible and need help understanding the reference I’m making, always feel free to reach out.

I am a first generation Christian in my family so I was always trying to learn ways to disciple and raise my children in God’s Word. I wasn’t sure where to look and how to find resources so I’m choosing to be vulnerable to share our family’s life to inspire you. Each family is different, each child is different, each unique and beautiful. If what we share doesn’t work for you, that’s OK! We hope it helps open up your worldview and get some of your own creative juices going to create or find what works for yours.


25 Oct 2021

It’s been an adventure the past couple of months. We’ve been focused on getting ourselves situated since we left the East Coast on June first that I haven’t made cultivating our family’s heart garden with God a priority. (More blog posts to come on our travels in the near future).

As I read the forward in the Moments with Jesus book for kids, I was reminded of how cultivating a culture of intimacy with Jesus is intentional. As I skimmed through the book in the bookstore, I thought of how I haven’t been as intentional as I could be with the children these past few months.

And when I say I haven’t been intentional, I mean that I haven’t been preparing in advance and praying over what I feel Holy Spirit leading me to do with the kids and finding pockets of time throughout the day to do it. There’s always nudges of love I feel from God to share or teach nuggets of Truth throughout the day (if my mommy brain isn’t busy focused on doing) but in my heart, it doesn’t feel intentional as when I prep in advance and my heart is focused on Him. When I don’t sit at His feet myself and take time to prepare for the days ahead on what I feel to teach, I find myself being more focused on what needs to get done (laundry, cleaning, preparing food, feedings, etc.) than prioritizing discipleship with my children. I definitely have the inclination to become Martha and not Mary (reference taken from the book of Luke in the Bible chapter 10 verses 38: - 42). This includes just playing and being with my children and connecting with them on a heart level through play.

But here’s what we have done well these past few months. We’ve been inviting Him into our everyday moments and walking with Him in a different way than we have before. It’s looked like inviting my 5 year old into my devotional time (if and when our one year old falls asleep before him and not at the same time), reading the Word together, drawing together what we receive from Him, and chatting together about God’s goodness. It’s praying out loud in the car with both children, worshipping throughout the day together and celebrating God’s greatness and faithfulness.

I’m sharing this because so often we focus on what we’re not doing rather than what we are doing well. There’s always areas we all want to improve but it’s also important to celebrate the small victories too!

So here’s to a new start. It doesn’t matter that it’s near the end of October or what it’s looked like the past few months. It’s an opportunity to start fresh and get back to basics. Join me as I share our family moments with Jesus to inspire you to make space for God in yours.

I want to share our why:

As someone who came to know Jesus later in life, I never assume that someone knows what reference I am making. You’ll occasionally see me reference and then place links to the Bible story it’s from. If you’re someone who is new to reading the Bible and need help understanding the reference I’m making, always feel free to reach out.

I am a first generation Christian in my family so I was always trying to learn ways to disciple and raise my children in God’s Word. I wasn’t sure where to look and how to find resources so I’m choosing to be vulnerable to share our family’s life to inspire you. Each family is different, each child is different, each unique and beautiful. If what we share doesn’t work for you, that’s OK! We hope it helps open up your worldview and get some of your own creative juices going to create or find what works for yours.