Legacy Posts

01 Aug 2020

When we decide to follow Jesus, we are choosing discipleship with Him. By spending time with Jesus, we grow in intimacy with Him and we go through a sanctification process. In the sanctification process, we can choose to go through inner healing by simply encountering Him in our dailies.

We are all capable of hurting others through our hurts, and by taking time with Jesus to heal them, we’re able to love others—especially our spouse and children—better. When we allow Jesus to show us and heal our personal and generational hurts, we uproot, “clean house,” and provide a better foundation for future generations. We believe this can transform our marriages, our families, future generations, and the world around us.

And what’s inner healing? It’s where we learn about unresolved issues in our hearts and/or generations past and allow Jesus to heal them or surrender them to Him. It’s also where we might learn who we have believed we are and exchange it with our identity as a child of God, and learn to walk in His ways.

(Edited 1/24/2023 definition added)

Pastor Charlie Cho explains it like this:
“Inner healing/deliverance is under the subcategory of sanctification that facilitates the sanctification process. It’s about addressing the hardness, the thorns, or the rocks in one’s heart so that as one continually abides in the Lord and lives by the word, he or she would naturally grow spiritually in increasing measure.”

When we take time to “clean out the trash” (unresolved issues, i.e. unforgiveness, bitterness, hatred, ungodly vows, etc.) first, then we can “chase out the rats” (evil spirits). (edit end).

Wouldn’t it be a blessing to provide our children and progeny with a firm foundation of faith and a “clean house”?

Under legacy posts, we’ll share about anything and everything related to our personal walks with Jesus because it all starts there. Welcome to Oaks Table Ministries' Legacy posts.

Legacy Posts

01 Aug 2020

When we decide to follow Jesus, we are choosing discipleship with Him. By spending time with Jesus, we grow in intimacy with Him and we go through a sanctification process. In the sanctification process, we can choose to go through inner healing by simply encountering Him in our dailies.

We are all capable of hurting others through our hurts, and by taking time with Jesus to heal them, we’re able to love others—especially our spouse and children—better. When we allow Jesus to show us and heal our personal and generational hurts, we uproot, “clean house,” and provide a better foundation for future generations. We believe this can transform our marriages, our families, future generations, and the world around us.

And what’s inner healing? It’s where we learn about unresolved issues in our hearts and/or generations past and allow Jesus to heal them or surrender them to Him. It’s also where we might learn who we have believed we are and exchange it with our identity as a child of God, and learn to walk in His ways.

(Edited 1/24/2023 definition added)

Pastor Charlie Cho explains it like this:
“Inner healing/deliverance is under the subcategory of sanctification that facilitates the sanctification process. It’s about addressing the hardness, the thorns, or the rocks in one’s heart so that as one continually abides in the Lord and lives by the word, he or she would naturally grow spiritually in increasing measure.”

When we take time to “clean out the trash” (unresolved issues, i.e. unforgiveness, bitterness, hatred, ungodly vows, etc.) first, then we can “chase out the rats” (evil spirits). (edit end).

Wouldn’t it be a blessing to provide our children and progeny with a firm foundation of faith and a “clean house”?

Under legacy posts, we’ll share about anything and everything related to our personal walks with Jesus because it all starts there. Welcome to Oaks Table Ministries' Legacy posts.

Legacy Posts

01 Aug 2020

When we decide to follow Jesus, we are choosing discipleship with Him. By spending time with Jesus, we grow in intimacy with Him and we go through a sanctification process. In the sanctification process, we can choose to go through inner healing by simply encountering Him in our dailies.

We are all capable of hurting others through our hurts, and by taking time with Jesus to heal them, we’re able to love others—especially our spouse and children—better. When we allow Jesus to show us and heal our personal and generational hurts, we uproot, “clean house,” and provide a better foundation for future generations. We believe this can transform our marriages, our families, future generations, and the world around us.

And what’s inner healing? It’s where we learn about unresolved issues in our hearts and/or generations past and allow Jesus to heal them or surrender them to Him. It’s also where we might learn who we have believed we are and exchange it with our identity as a child of God, and learn to walk in His ways.

(Edited 1/24/2023 definition added)

Pastor Charlie Cho explains it like this:
“Inner healing/deliverance is under the subcategory of sanctification that facilitates the sanctification process. It’s about addressing the hardness, the thorns, or the rocks in one’s heart so that as one continually abides in the Lord and lives by the word, he or she would naturally grow spiritually in increasing measure.”

When we take time to “clean out the trash” (unresolved issues, i.e. unforgiveness, bitterness, hatred, ungodly vows, etc.) first, then we can “chase out the rats” (evil spirits). (edit end).

Wouldn’t it be a blessing to provide our children and progeny with a firm foundation of faith and a “clean house”?

Under legacy posts, we’ll share about anything and everything related to our personal walks with Jesus because it all starts there. Welcome to Oaks Table Ministries' Legacy posts.

Legacy Posts

01 Aug 2020

When we decide to follow Jesus, we are choosing discipleship with Him. By spending time with Jesus, we grow in intimacy with Him and we go through a sanctification process. In the sanctification process, we can choose to go through inner healing by simply encountering Him in our dailies.

We are all capable of hurting others through our hurts, and by taking time with Jesus to heal them, we’re able to love others—especially our spouse and children—better. When we allow Jesus to show us and heal our personal and generational hurts, we uproot, “clean house,” and provide a better foundation for future generations. We believe this can transform our marriages, our families, future generations, and the world around us.

And what’s inner healing? It’s where we learn about unresolved issues in our hearts and/or generations past and allow Jesus to heal them or surrender them to Him. It’s also where we might learn who we have believed we are and exchange it with our identity as a child of God, and learn to walk in His ways.

(Edited 1/24/2023 definition added)

Pastor Charlie Cho explains it like this:
“Inner healing/deliverance is under the subcategory of sanctification that facilitates the sanctification process. It’s about addressing the hardness, the thorns, or the rocks in one’s heart so that as one continually abides in the Lord and lives by the word, he or she would naturally grow spiritually in increasing measure.”

When we take time to “clean out the trash” (unresolved issues, i.e. unforgiveness, bitterness, hatred, ungodly vows, etc.) first, then we can “chase out the rats” (evil spirits). (edit end).

Wouldn’t it be a blessing to provide our children and progeny with a firm foundation of faith and a “clean house”?

Under legacy posts, we’ll share about anything and everything related to our personal walks with Jesus because it all starts there. Welcome to Oaks Table Ministries' Legacy posts.