Are you willing?

18 Jan 2023

"All I need is for your willingness."
That’s what I heard. We were at the grocery store when Holy Spirit spoke these words for me to speak to our son.

One of our three boys picked out a snack bag that had 4 small packages in it. He held onto it, wanting to bring it to the register and eat it as a snack in the car. Another tried to grab it from him because he wanted to hold it, too. We asked him to wait until we purchased it, and then we could give him one from the package. He whined and was upset. He was also trying to grab it from his brother and was becoming physical.

I know having him change his action is only temporary so I wanted his heart to change. I kneeled down, hugged him at the side of the aisle, and asked if I could pray for him. He said no. I told him I would like to pray for him and ask Jesus to help him in that moment not to use his hands to grab. He wiggled out of my arms and stomped.

I walked quietly with him and that’s when I heard that phrase. “All I need is your willingness”. I thought about how that really is the only thing we need to give Jesus. We don’t have to be perfect at doing something, we don’t have to want to do something, we don’t have to be excited about it…He just needs out willing hearts and us to be willing to ask Him for help.

When we’re willing, He’s able to help us in any way we need.

What’s one thing He’s been asking you to do but you’ve been putting off?

Are you willing?

Are you willing to surrender and give it to Him?

Are you wiling to take the next step, and if you feel like you can’t, are you willing to ask Him for help?

Are you willing to grow where you've been planted?

Are you willing?

Are you willing?

18 Jan 2023

"All I need is for your willingness."
That’s what I heard. We were at the grocery store when Holy Spirit spoke these words for me to speak to our son.

One of our three boys picked out a snack bag that had 4 small packages in it. He held onto it, wanting to bring it to the register and eat it as a snack in the car. Another tried to grab it from him because he wanted to hold it, too. We asked him to wait until we purchased it, and then we could give him one from the package. He whined and was upset. He was also trying to grab it from his brother and was becoming physical.

I know having him change his action is only temporary so I wanted his heart to change. I kneeled down, hugged him at the side of the aisle, and asked if I could pray for him. He said no. I told him I would like to pray for him and ask Jesus to help him in that moment not to use his hands to grab. He wiggled out of my arms and stomped.

I walked quietly with him and that’s when I heard that phrase. “All I need is your willingness”. I thought about how that really is the only thing we need to give Jesus. We don’t have to be perfect at doing something, we don’t have to want to do something, we don’t have to be excited about it…He just needs out willing hearts and us to be willing to ask Him for help.

When we’re willing, He’s able to help us in any way we need.

What’s one thing He’s been asking you to do but you’ve been putting off?

Are you willing?

Are you willing to surrender and give it to Him?

Are you wiling to take the next step, and if you feel like you can’t, are you willing to ask Him for help?

Are you willing to grow where you've been planted?

Are you willing?

Are you willing?

18 Jan 2023

"All I need is for your willingness."
That’s what I heard. We were at the grocery store when Holy Spirit spoke these words for me to speak to our son.

One of our three boys picked out a snack bag that had 4 small packages in it. He held onto it, wanting to bring it to the register and eat it as a snack in the car. Another tried to grab it from him because he wanted to hold it, too. We asked him to wait until we purchased it, and then we could give him one from the package. He whined and was upset. He was also trying to grab it from his brother and was becoming physical.

I know having him change his action is only temporary so I wanted his heart to change. I kneeled down, hugged him at the side of the aisle, and asked if I could pray for him. He said no. I told him I would like to pray for him and ask Jesus to help him in that moment not to use his hands to grab. He wiggled out of my arms and stomped.

I walked quietly with him and that’s when I heard that phrase. “All I need is your willingness”. I thought about how that really is the only thing we need to give Jesus. We don’t have to be perfect at doing something, we don’t have to want to do something, we don’t have to be excited about it…He just needs out willing hearts and us to be willing to ask Him for help.

When we’re willing, He’s able to help us in any way we need.

What’s one thing He’s been asking you to do but you’ve been putting off?

Are you willing?

Are you willing to surrender and give it to Him?

Are you wiling to take the next step, and if you feel like you can’t, are you willing to ask Him for help?

Are you willing to grow where you've been planted?

Are you willing?

Are you willing?

18 Jan 2023

"All I need is for your willingness."
That’s what I heard. We were at the grocery store when Holy Spirit spoke these words for me to speak to our son.

One of our three boys picked out a snack bag that had 4 small packages in it. He held onto it, wanting to bring it to the register and eat it as a snack in the car. Another tried to grab it from him because he wanted to hold it, too. We asked him to wait until we purchased it, and then we could give him one from the package. He whined and was upset. He was also trying to grab it from his brother and was becoming physical.

I know having him change his action is only temporary so I wanted his heart to change. I kneeled down, hugged him at the side of the aisle, and asked if I could pray for him. He said no. I told him I would like to pray for him and ask Jesus to help him in that moment not to use his hands to grab. He wiggled out of my arms and stomped.

I walked quietly with him and that’s when I heard that phrase. “All I need is your willingness”. I thought about how that really is the only thing we need to give Jesus. We don’t have to be perfect at doing something, we don’t have to want to do something, we don’t have to be excited about it…He just needs out willing hearts and us to be willing to ask Him for help.

When we’re willing, He’s able to help us in any way we need.

What’s one thing He’s been asking you to do but you’ve been putting off?

Are you willing?

Are you willing to surrender and give it to Him?

Are you wiling to take the next step, and if you feel like you can’t, are you willing to ask Him for help?

Are you willing to grow where you've been planted?

Are you willing?